Tarawa Island - Kiribati for Travellers (2025)

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The atoll of Tarawa, is the capital of Kiribati and is the second largest of the 16 islands in the Gilbert group. The atoll is a string of islets that stretches from Betio all the way to Naa in North Tarawa. The atoll is divided into South and North Tarawa and is shaped like a backwards “L.” Most of Tarawa is less than 3 metres above sea level with the highest point at Eita Village in the South. The atoll is best known for the “Battle of Tarawa” during World War II where Betio was a bloody battlefield between Japanese and US armed forces.

South Tarawa (in Gilbertese Tarawa Teinainano) is the capital, commercial center and hub of the Republic of Kiribati and home to approximately half of Kiribati’s population (56,307 as of 2015 Census). South Tarawa consists of all the small islets connected by a main road and causeways stretching from Betio in the west all the way to Tanaea in the east. The capital city is Bairiki where the head of government resides.

Betio, Bairiki and Bikenibeu are the main towns on South Tarawa while Teaoraereke is emerging as a new town. The growing population, land scarcity for development, rubbish are one of the growing concerns facing urban South Tarawa today. However, in North Tarawa life offers a different picture of what Kiribati really looks like, where tradition and culture are still intact and where one can explore natural island beauty and traditional cultural setting less influenced by urbanization. North Tarawa, stretches from Buota all the way to Naa in Buariki. Most of the islets here are separated by channels that can be crossed during low tide and some are connected by causeways. North Tarawa has a population of 6318 (2015 Census) and it is administered by a local government (the Island Council) stationed in Abaokoro. Accessing North Tarawa is available by ferry services and charter boat. By driving you can reach as far as Buota just across from Tanaea as you cross a bridge.

What's Unique About Tarawa Island?

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Find your place to stay on Tarawa islands

Accommodation in Kiribati ranges from Hotels, Motels, Lodges, Serviced apartments, Guest houses, Community Stays and Homestays. On all of the islands you will also find traditional island style bungalows called “Buia” which are prominently featured for you to experience the Kiribati Way. There are no high end luxury accommodation in Kiribati.


Getting there

Fiji Airways

Tarawa Flights are Mondays & Thursdays out of Nadi, Fiji and returns to Nadi on those same days.

Fiji Airways code shares with Qantas and Cathay Pacific with connections available from United States (Honolulu, LA & San Francisco), Australia (Brisbane, Sydney & Melbourne), New Zealand (Auckland, Wellington & Christchurch), Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore.

Nauru Airlines

Tarawa Flights are Fridays out of Brisbane (transit in Honiara, Solomon Islands and Nauru) and Sundays out of Pohnpei (FSM) via Majuro (Marshall Islands) and continues on via Nauru (transit) to Nadi and Brisbane via Honiara.

Solomon Airlines

Tarawa Flights are Wednesdays out of Brisbane via Honiara. It overnights in Tarawa on the Wednesday and departs Tarawa on a Thursday morning.

Tarawa Island - Kiribati for Travellers (2025)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.